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Button Set

How do I remove Reaction Buttons from my Button Set?

Once your Button Set is live on your website and has started collecting feedback, we do not recommend editing the reaction buttons. Any changes you make on them while the Buttons Set is already live on your website might disrupt or lose existing data. 

But if you insist, of course there is a way. Here’s how to remove a Reaction Button from your existing Button Set:

  1. Go to “Customize Button Set” Page (you can find it in the drop down menu behind your name, on the top right corner in the Askem Dashboard)
  2. On the left side navigation menu, select  the “Layout and flow” View.
  3. (If the Button Set is live on your website) Click the “edit” icon, located on the blue line, next to the text “This button set is now live on your website!”
  4. Click on the “edit” icon next to the reaction buton you’d like to edit. 
  5. Click “Remove Button”